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    Malvís (Alfredo Landa) is sick of working like crazy for nothing. He'd rather become a bandit, that's much better, he's gonna be the fearful Fendetestas! He'll spread panic in the woods of his region. But there's a little problem there aren't much people living in his region, everyone knows everyone and everyone is so poor, so is gonna be difficult that someone takes MalvísFendetestas too seriously.  This is a magic history, so funny, and full of situations that will make you laugh. It's also full of characters that belong to the Spanish idiosyncrasy the strict priest, the Guardia Civil, the old devout women, the village idiot... there's even a lost soul wandering around the woods.  The great Alfredo Landa heads a cast that gathered together the best two generations of Spanish scene from Fernando Rey to Encarna Paso, from Manuel Alexandre to María Isbert... A cast like that would be just unthinkable nowadays. El Bosque Animado was the first movie of José Luis Cuerda's trilogy of rural comedies (after this one he made the surreal Amanece Que No Es Poco, and Así En El Cielo Como En La Tierra. Those are movies so personal that stress the Spanish culture. The young directors should take note of films like El Bosque Animado, instead of trying to be the new enfant terrible and imitating US worst cinema.


    • 8.0更新至HD查理2号Nikita Wokurka 尼基塔·沃克卡,Henny Reents,Barnaby Metschurat 巴拿比·麦楚拉特
    • 9.0枪版慎入独行月球沈腾,马丽,常远,李诚儒,黄才伦,辣目洋子,郝瀚,黄子韬,王成思,高海宝,杨铮,史彭元,张熙然,黄品沅,杨皓宇,徐志胜,杜晓宇,李海银,陶亮,王赞,李唯贺,陈昊明,孟芷旭
    • 4.0更新至HD贝蒂的承诺Naomi Watts,Christopher Walken,Alfred Molina
    • 3.0更新至HD青春喂了狗何蓝逗,杨青竹,关畅,徐千京,吕承珏,朱辉,苗阜,戚戚
    • 3.01080P三国志新解大泉洋,贺来贤人,桥本环奈,山本美月,冈田健史,桥本哲,高桥努,岩田刚典,渡边直美,矶村勇斗,矢本悠马,阿部进之介,半海一晃,室毅,山田孝之,城田优,佐藤二朗,西田敏行,小栗旬
    • 3.0HD稳操胜券1986翠西·卡米拉·约翰斯,斯派克·李,汤米·雷德蒙德·希克斯


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